Orions Belte
Orions Belte spiller i Hallen USF
Dørene åpner: kl.19:30
– Arrangementsstart: ca. kl.20:30
– Unummererte sitteplasser
– NB NB: Avholdes i Hallen USF – ha på varme klær. Ta gjerne med pledd.
There are some places and moments that tie people together forever, whether it be a place, a song or something you can’t quite define through words.
The origins of Orions Belte stemmed from one of those mystical moments in time, which spawned a lasting creative connection.
Øyvind Blomstrøm (guitar) and Chris Holm (bass) first met while playing in a touring band for another Norwegian artist. During that time, they bonded over their love for instrumental music and began talking about trying their hand at it themselves.
After their work as touring band ended, they recruited drummer Kim Åge Furuhaug, one of Holm’s longtime friend and collaborators, to join their new project.
The three met in Bergen to start working on ideas and demos. Instead, within just a few days, they ended up recording their entire first album, Mint. Several recordings and live performances later, now is the time to experience Orions Belte in Bergen, live at Hallen USF.
Orions Belte is gearing up for their third studio album, «Women», which will be released on October 6th.